Flares and Scallops
18 Nov 2021What are Scallops?
The late John Stauffer first showed me these stars from K2
Zahn+2019 https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2019ApJ…876..127Z
more from Gunther 2020 https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2020arXiv200811681G
Stauffer 2021, his last paper https://ui.adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2021AJ….161…60S
what are they?! Zahn have a nice model of a spotted star + a dark/opaque disk. I quite like this model.
A weird flare
highlights TIC 206544316
There’s this big flare, and it stays bright… wtf?!
what if we modeled the light curve empirically w/ a GP, then fit the flare? Can we show the flare is rotating in/out of view? Is the excess brightness later due to the long tail of the flare?
Can we build a simple model?
we need a starspot model + a disk
now there’s 4 TESS Sectors worth of 2-min data, with several interesting flares. Get it all! Phase fold vs time